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Initial statement of works supplied by Perry Lithgow Partnership.

The condition of the wall paintings

There are at least 5 different decorative layers, dating from the 13th to the 17th centuries.  Previous interventions have partly-exposed areas of each scheme, creating a visually confusing appearance.  These earlier treatments have caused significant damage to all the different periods of painting, principally in weakening the adhesion of the various layers, which has lead to extensive losses and increased fragility of the remaining decoration.  There are now numerous unstable areas that require treatment to avoid further losses.  In addition, the lower sections of painting are easily accessible and therefore vulnerable to accidental mechanical abrasion.

The main factors to be treated are as follows:

Paint loss and staining caused by historic water infiltration.

Conservation treatments will consist of:

Treatment documentation.  A vital part of any conservation project is the recording of all aspects of any treatment interventions.  A photographic record will be made before, during and after the work and will be included in the final Conservation Record supplied to the PCC.

The on-site conservation work is expected to take 5 weeks to complete.